Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day!  I write today because I have been blessed by Mothers.  I had a birth mother, an adopted mother, a step mother (although she never really was a "step" that is something that you walk on), a great-grandmother, many grandmas, and MANY spiritual mothers as well as teachers, who may not have been mothers, but acted as our mother as we were at school, friends my own age, who have not been mothers, but acted like mothers as they guided me, helped me.  Oh, and...yep I am a mother, grandmother and a great-grandmother myself! 

I am humbled to be in this great group of women around the world, and that people saw fit to give US a day to be blessed and that God saw fit to include women, and Mothers in His plan.  We, women everywhere, have at some time in our lives been mothers.  Proverbs 31 states what the characteristics are of a good mother.  I believe that all women, everywhere, have fit into those wise words of Solomon, which were God-breathed.

We have all:  lived, worked, cleaned, cooked, spent time, shared life experiences, listened, held, cried, hugged, scolded, time-outed, wiped away tears of joy, pain, heart-ache, played games, laughed but most of all we have loved...God...and one another!

Happy Mother's Day!  Enjoy today...